Jason Ritter Breaks the Guinness World Record For Most Hugs in 1 Minute

Hugs can heal, or at least break records.
Jason Ritter joined the hosts of today's taping of The View to promote his newest ABC sitcom Kevin (Probably) Saves the World. He also wanted to personally proclaim Tuesday to be "National Hug A Kevin Day." "One of the things on the show is that I have to hug people. It's complicated," he shared. "Watch the show and you'll know what I'm talking about."

Apparently, the character of Kevin is charged with bringing light and joy back into an apocalyptic world where everyone is selfish and depressed. One of his main tactics? Hugs, of course.ason decided to kick the hugging of for his newly issued, national holiday during his time on The View, but he wanted to go big. He was determined to break the Guinness World Record for a single individual giving the most hugs in one minute. In fact, Jason set up a string of 100 people, with the hosts of The View included, which he ran through making sure to hug each person. 

According to the official rules, a hug meant that arms had to go around and torsos had to connect. Jason did in fact break that record, moving the bar from 79 hugs all the way up to 86. And when the buzzer ran out, Jason continued until he had hugged every person who lined up to help him.

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